ok, so ive always had hair fall problems when i was in 10s, 20s.
to be honest, i may not be dropping aloooooot of hair but to mom & i it does feel like alooot.
this is also a thing about how i feel that sch should educate us all these lifeskills/taking care of self. well, apparently, according to the world this should be taught to you by your parents but hey what if our parents aren't that educated. goodness!
i mean our parents grew up where there is no much internet or even media. they also used all the cheap toxic chemical petroleum shampoo and soap. and that's how big companies brainwash the eras of people during those times that they are "good".
how would our parents be able to "know" these stuff ain't great for them or us.
ANYWAY. so ive also bought all sorts of tonic etc spray to "enhance" hair growth. rofl
so when i have time in my 30s when im doing uni i reflect alot about toiletries.. skincare as well (another post, another time).
well becos i thought everyone had the best interest for me or know what is suitable for me. but fun fact: nope, they dont.
lol! so the massage place i go to tend to be holistic concept and they have scalp massage/wash and they have the machine to scan your scalp.
just nice i started buying scalp scrub (to be honest i feel like all brands work, so you don't really need to bother exactly which brands is more of ingredients wise and convenience to how you can purchase them idk if you wanna self make...)
and so i religiously did scalp scrub a few times during the previous visit vs new visit and bam! it supposed to look like ice skating clean "ice texture" vibes on the scalp area. and it did.
well you exfoliate your face why wont you exfoliate your scalp. simple as that
now i don't think i have much insane hairfall issues though of course it still fall like becos the average is like 50-100 per day so it is NORMAL~
im using the powder shampoo for the shampoo (found them during my assignment, a local brand) and using gruum conditioner though i dont fancy they have perfume in it or fragrance
but yes i do have oily scalp and curly hair (meh during my times when i grew up because it isnt the most manageable aka salons would keep asking you to rebond .. and it is great how everyone embrace it these days. but i find that requires alot of time and effort so NOPE. i just hope the world is inclusivity mode where everyone doesnt have to "look professional".... so nah i just leave it as it is with all that frizzzzz :3 )